Work With Us
Summer Jobs
Part-time positions now available
We’re now hiring for summer 2019! Do you live in the Siouxland area? Seeking temporary summer employment in a fun atmosphere? We need warehouse workers, cashiers, salespeople, greeters and baggers. Help is also wanted for our tent in Storm Lake, IA. We have jobs for as young as 14 years old. Employees receive 20% employee discount.
Custom Shows
We’ll help you choose and light fireworks
Want personalized, expert shopping help while at Zort’s? Planning to put on a fireworks show in your neighborhood and need help? Are you part of a company looking to add fireworks to an event? We have a team of trained pyrotechnicians and 150+ combined years of experience putting fireworks shows together. Set up a time to shop with us or simply order a show for pick up.
Wholesale Fireworks
Request cases or become an import customer
In the off season, the Zort’s team is busy designing and importing fireworks through our sister company Power Source Fireworks. We share the warehouse at Zort’s and might have extra inventory of items you need. We are also always looking for fireworks stores looking to join our buying group and add Power Source to their product line the following year.